Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Introducing the REAL RAILBIRDS, Porch Sitters, Court #1 Heckle Brigade, Gentlemen All

from top left going clockwise: Dandy Lion (Dan Lyon), Jim (Mr.) Kennedy, Mike (Pac Man) Maxwell, Ed (Airplane Eddie) Norton, "Sonny" MacAdoo, Coach Dave, Ernie (well man) Garrison, and in the middle in the blue shirt--Gorgeous George Muse. Stay tuned for tall tales of these any many others, (yes we do have women at Bitsy!). You don't want to miss the amazing and unique technique of the unbeatable Little Joe, the antics of Vicious Sid, the family dynasty of Papa Bear and Baby Bear, (also known as: Big Air, Goliath, and Hercules), Dr. No, Rose Red, the Queen, Hu-man (no 1. in the world in his age group, or at least top 3 for a decade), and so many more! See you round the quadrangle! AD aka DeRO


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