Thursday, December 11, 2008

What to do when it rains.

One thing to do is remember that the sun does come out again, summer will return and, you can even count on a sunny day or two between now and then when it'll get hot enough to put in four good sets. After which you'll retire hot and sweaty to the Tree Bar for a cold lemonade or other libation with your comrades. From right to left: the major d'omo of the Tree Bar, hishonor the distinguished Mr. Mike Maxwell (Pac Man), the inestimable Mr. Alan (take no prisoners--one of my favorite parnters) Elsas , behind the flag--Terry, "john" McCain, Kenny, Theo "the artist" Rudnak, Dan (Dandy--but he doesn't really like that name) Lyon, and Baby Bear, son of Papa Bear, Rob Schmitz. In the front in the pretty blue shirt is Jim (Midnight) Wyatt.

You can bet there will be a bridge game today at Bitsy, indoors of course. And Mr. Maxwell will be working the Puzz (the crossword puzzle, that is, and by Thursday it's just starting to get a mite challenging). Inevitably, someone around the bridge table will say or do something that will remind Mr. Maxwell of a song, which happens frequently. Mr. Maxwell's musical references are always funny, and occasionally poignant. It's a way of saying something deep, I spose, when you all think you're just having a good time. So here's an example from a recent email about the Tree Bar (ok, that will take a whole nother day or four to tell you about that, but Mr. Maxwell, having been a CFO at a big corporation is really good at keeping track of money and here's him talking about collecting for the Tree Bar and then being reminded of a song).

"11)So, overall, the event should have paid for itself with a little "profit refund" for Friends (based on $1125 or slightly more in revenue, and $950 or slightly more in expenses, by far the most of which was the $600 to plant the tree). PLUS THE LEGACY OF THE TREES PLANTED "FOREVER," which is priceless!

I'm reminded of a song - "Rock & Roll Heaven" - The Righteous Brothers - 1973, and updated as a "cover" song in 1990 to include add'l references to Elvis Presley, John Lennon, Marvin Gaye, jackie Wilson, Roy Orbison and others - the main theme of which is "If You Believe in FOREVER, Then Life is Just A One night Stand!"

See it's pretty funny but also means a lot. Point is, when it rains don't forget the good times, the sunshine, and always remember to laugh and sing. And it's not a dress rehearsal--plant trees when the sun shines so you can watch em grow when it rains? Heck, I don't know, I'd really just rather be out playing tennis.

AD See you round the quadrangle.

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